Announcing: Alkemie Ensemble-in-Residence partnership

This season we formalize a long-standing partnership with All Saints Episcopal in Manhattan to become their first ever Ensemble in Residence. 

All Saints welcomes Alkemie

We are delighted to present each of our season concerts this year to the exquisite acoustic of this 19th-century building. Board member James Mugavero Hopkins is the organist and music director at All Saints and two Alkemie members (Sian Ricketts and Ben Matus), as well as regular collaborator Alyssa Weathersby are members of the one-on-a-part professional choir that leads worship each Sunday. The hospitality of All Saints will extend to a post-concert reception after all programs that take place there.

We look forward to practicing, workshopping, and presenting many pieces at this beautiful NYC institution.

Beth Beauchamp

Having worked as a professional musician, a music-educator, and the Executive Director of a number of non-profit arts organizations, Beth has over 10 years of experience in catering to the unique needs of artists. Beth believes that the talent, education, and skill-sets of her clients have inherent worth. As a passionate artist advocate, she aims to help her artists improve the quality of their own lives by encouraging them to honor the value of their own work, and by creating materials which allow them to champion their art with confidence. Equally interested in building community, Beth aims to create a roster of artists who are excited to support and collaborate together.

Verdant Medicine at Columbia University & All Saints Episcopal


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