REVIEW: Love To My Liking // Early Music America


By: Aaron Keebaugh | April, 2024

Subtle tosses of the voice suggest that even through such emotional turmoil, all might not be lost. Percussive rhythms then slowly build to a frenzy. Even amid the deepest blues, these performances seem to say that there is always a bright side. All one has to do is dance.
— Quote Source

“In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours,” Maya Angelou wrote. Her words not only express the elation of finally finding that special love, they hint at the pain of that bond being interrupted by events beyond one’s control.

Medieval writers were no less fixated on the wayward emotions of having loved and lost. But they could offer only fleeting solace should the experience inevitably tip towards the latter. Pain, some trouvère poets wrote, at least meant that you attempted to play the game. And the bittersweet feelings that sting the heart along the way — part of the human experience — connect us in common grief. 

Beth Beauchamp

Having worked as a professional musician, a music-educator, and the Executive Director of a number of non-profit arts organizations, Beth has over 10 years of experience in catering to the unique needs of artists. Beth believes that the talent, education, and skill-sets of her clients have inherent worth. As a passionate artist advocate, she aims to help her artists improve the quality of their own lives by encouraging them to honor the value of their own work, and by creating materials which allow them to champion their art with confidence. Equally interested in building community, Beth aims to create a roster of artists who are excited to support and collaborate together.

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